Atlantic Theater Company's
Good Television is getting terrific reviews and has been extended. I created the Sound Design and Original Music for the show and am so proud of the reviews' 'we're receiving. Here are some of the reviews with highlights:
Michael Sommers
"...Cormac Bluestone’s original music and sound design contribute subtly to the production’s effectiveness."

Charles Isherwood
"Mr. McLachlan, an actor making his Off Broadway debut as a playwright, writes crisp, believable dialogue, and for the most part shows a restrained hand in poking fun at the ghoulish opportunism behind the reality television industry."
"...under the attentive direction of Bob Krakower, the cast keeps us glued to the tube..."
Frank Scheck
"Skillfully directed by Bob Krakower and featuring excellent performances, “Good Television” occasionally dips toward melodrama. But in dramatizing the cynical machinations involved in producing sensationalistic TV, “Good Television” makes for good theater."

"McLachlan chases other ideas. He cranks his perspective slightly but slyly to explore how the reality of the people behind and in front of the the camera seeps back and forth. He also paints a vivid portrait of office politics and modern ethics."
"Bob Krakower’s well-acted production glides smoothly between gleaming a Los Angles office and rundown South Carolina home."